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Instant Mathura Peda | Mathura ke Pedhe

Writer: Rashmi GharatRashmi Gharat

Updated: Apr 15, 2024

This Instant Mathura Peda Recipe eliminates the normally long and tiresome process of making this Krishna Janmashtami recipe into something that’s really quick and easy to follow.

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Traditional Mathura Peda recipe involves reducing milk to its solids and caramelising it further to achieve the right colour, texture and taste, which needs a lot of hard work and time. But this Instant Mathura ke Pedhe recipe removes all that, yet tastes great and is ideal to serve as a prasad / bhog during Krishna Janmashtami.

Check out how to make Mathura ka Peda at home in a quick video below.

Quick, easy to follow video with step-by-step instructions of how to make Instant Mathura Peda:

This traditional Indian sweet, as the name suggest, is very popular in Mathura, a city in the state of Uttar Pradesh towards north of India.

The distinctive flavour and texture of this Brown Peda is achieved by reducing the milk down to its solids by stirring and cooking for a long time, and then cooking it even further till milk solids caramelise and change to desired colour. This needs a lot of effort and time, possibly hours. But what you get in the end is a truly unique and satisfying sweet, Mathura ka Peda, whose taste is to die for…….

Hours reduced down to minutes

This Instant Mathura ke Pede recipe doesn’t require the time and effort needed to put into traditional Mathura Pedha recipe, but still tastes as unique and delicious as the original.

This instant gluten free recipe uses milk powder, cutting down the time and labour needed to reduce the milk to its solids. Milk powder is then roasted along with some milk till it changes colour to brown and becomes dry and crumbly.

These dry, brown crumbs are then ground to a powder, mixed with powdered sugar and some more milk, made into balls and then rolled into granulated sugar so that they get the same texture as the original Mathura Peda.

It’s that simple and this gluten free Mathura Peda with Milk Powder cuts down hours of work to minutes.

Points to note while making Instant Mathura ke Pede

Just a few points to note when making these Instant Mathura Pede is to try and use a non-stick pan and roast on low heat only as milk powder can quickly burn.

Do not add all milk at once, add little at a time, whilst mixing continuously.

Keep breaking large lumps as they form and continue to cook till mixture becomes brown, dry and crumbly.

Getting the colour of the mixture right is important. It needs to be proper brown, not light brown or a shade of golden, as colour will lighten further after adding sugar and Pedas in the end won’t look the correct colour. Also, roasting for less time will not give the Pedhas the correct caramalised taste. Roasting for longer will mean that mixture will start burning and the Pedas will look far darker then necessary and will also taste burned. So, keep a close eye on the mixture as soon as it starts getting dry and crumbly and cook on Low Heat ONLY.

After mixing all the Mathura Peda ingredients, carefully add very little milk at a time till mixture is slightly moist. Keep testing and make it just moist enough till you can form a rough ball. If too much milk is added, mixture will become soggy, sticky and hard to roll and will just melt the granulated sugar after Pedha is rolled in it, not giving the desired visual effect.

You will get scrumptious, soft, melt-in-the-mouth Mathura ke Pede with perfect colour, flavour and texture if you keep above points in mind.

You can enjoy these delicious Instant Mathura ke Pedhe not just on festivals like Krishna Janmastami, Diwali, Dusshera or Holi, but also on other special occasions like weddings, pujas, birthdays or anniversaries or even when you just fancy a sweet treat.😊


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Step-by-step instructions with photos for Instant Mathura ke Pedhe:

Heat clarified butter (Ghee) in a non-stick pan on low heat, add whole milk powder and roast till it slightly changes colour.

Then start adding milk (around ¼ cup or as needed), little at a time, and continuously mixing till it changes colour to brown.

Roast till mixture becomes brown, dry and crumbly. Keep breaking large lumps as they form.

Remove from heat and let it cool down.

Then grind to a powder.

To this add powdered sugar, green cardamom (Elaichi) powder, nutmeg (Jaiphal) powder (optional) and mix well.

Again, start adding milk (around 2 TBSP or as needed), little at a time, till mixture becomes slightly moist.

Only add milk till it becomes slightly moist and you are able to easily form a rough ball from this mixture.

Then make 12 equal sized balls and roll them in some granulated sugar.

Instant Mathura Pedas are ready! Serve or store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator.


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